Faith Greater Than Pain

September 2, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodenunderpants @ 1:09 pm

Miller’s Crossing, 14.5 Miles

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!  I feel like I have accomplished a lot these last few months and then to do it at the age of 60 makes me feel good.  I have carrying a cranberry muffin mix with me since Iowa so I could eat it on my birthday, well today was that day.  Shirley whipped up the Dutch oven and baked me a little cranberry loaf.  It got a little dark on the bottom but I still enjoyed each bite.  She also made one of my soups, the one that is a potato, a can of corn that I have been saving since Iowa, a little onion and water and presto… you have a great pioneer soup.  So I ate very well today.

By the way, I believe that the added peanut butter protein is correcting my liver and bile problems, thank you dear Lord.  I sure don’t want to be hospitalized at this point of the trek.

I walked with a friend of mine all day today.  David Miller drove out from Salt Lake to be part of the trek and he was great company.  He pulled about seventy five percent of the time and I allowed him to have all of the experience that he wanted.  It was a great birthday present.  As a side note, his cousin rode the trail from Nauvoo to SLC on a motorcycle a few years back and she published a book about the journey.

Millers Crossing David Miller

Millers Crossing David Miller

I am only one days walk, about twenty miles, from Fort Bridger tomorrow and that is my last trade/barter or work place for me.  It is also my last mental line in the sand that I have that tells me how close to home that I am.  The closer that I get to the valley, the more emotional I become, because of all that I have gone through, I can’t wait to join family and friends for a wonderful reunion on the 26th!

Millers Crossing

Millers Crossing


  1. Lynn — I’m sorry that I missed your entry into the valley. I agreed instead to watch my oldest daughter’s three children at that hour so she and her husband could go attend the temple in celebration of her birthday. Thanks again for letting me pull with you. And thanks for sending me the link (“tao of cycling”) this morning. I just posted the following on it:

    We celebrated our eldest’s birthday last night. Twenty-nine years ago she was born, struggling from the womb. This morning, I experienced my own struggle to rebirth of sorts. The mattress seemed bent on ejecting me, and dreams too conspired to expel me out. And so I arose … to read this! And then to run again. But for a different purpose. Always before it has been mixed with competition, like the stereo-typical “male ego” Susan describes. This morning, my return to running was – to be me – and to be God’s expression – without concern about how others perceive me. Without care of winning and beating another. Just to run. Just to be. And so I determined to finally sign up for my first marathon. I haven’t run now for months – but I will begin anew – a reborn different kind of runner. I may not even run the Ogden Marathon I am going to sign up for, but at least I will sign up and train for it. To be ready if God wills. Thanks Susan – your little blog was a small part of that. And thanks, Lynn, for letting me spend a day pulling with you in Wyoming. Lots I could share with each of you two stranger friends. Best to you both. David

    Comment by David — September 28, 2009 @ 12:09 pm | Reply

  2. Wow that is a great story an trip thank you for sharing it with us Lynn and Happy Birthday.

    I had an older sister Shona she also died of Lou Gehrigs disease. That was sad to see her go through. So I know how you must of felt. I am so grateful for you to put your story out for us to read. Thank you Arlene Reeder

    Comment by Arlene Reeder — July 24, 2012 @ 6:42 pm | Reply

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